Settore aeronautico

Since the 1980s, Ar.Ter. S.r.l. has specialized in precision mechanics applied to the aerospace sector, focusing on the construction of aircraft equipment and engine parts.

Ar.Ter. S.r.l., owned by the Fornaro family for three generations, is a well-established industrial company with modern facilities located in the province of Naples.


The managment model

Family-run company with a strong managerial vocation, capable of integrating passion and expertise, with a short decision-making chain;

Human resources

Aware, trained, professional who realize their potential, allowing the organization to achieve its goal: to satisfy the requirements of customers;

The integrated management of all company activities

Through the use of MES/ERP software (Horizontal e Vertical Integration) and simultaneous digitalization and progressive computerization of operational processes;

The market

Towards which the company is constantly oriented; a market that thanks to its strong dynamism requires constant technological innovation and continuous improvement, requirements that Ar. Ter. always married.

Thanks to its seriousness, professionalism, reputation, and certifications of its management systems (process, health and safety, environmental), Ar.Ter. presents itself as a trusted partner for national and international companies in the design and production of complex components and equipment. By using highly specialized processes and innovative technologies, Ar.Ter. creates competitive and innovative solutions through a lean production approach, ensuring products with quality standards and delivery times and costs aligned with customer expectations.

Settore aeronautico



To satisfy the explicit and implicit requirements of our customers with innovative and customized technological solutions, proposing ourselves as ideal partners, in the industrialization and construction of tools and components through innovative processes and technologies, making our customers and our employees successful investors.




To design and produce solutions with high added value and competitive through innovative and creative thinking. Provide customers with quality products and services in line with their expectations, becoming a reliable partner to rely on for joint growth.

Settore aeronautico

In order to pursue these goals, Ar.Ter. constantly invests (most recently the investment plan of € 10 million euro in the five-year period 2023-2028) for:

  • increase and modernize the machine and plant fleet with an eye to new manufacturing technologies and techniques (additive manufacturing, multitasking technology, reverse engineering, etc.);
  • research and development;
  • improve and expand its infrastructures and services;
  • improve company management systems: quality, health and safety, environment;
  • training and updating of employees;
  • improve the planning of corporate resources, financial activities, the supply chain through the progressive digitalization of the company.

The perspective of Ar.Ter. is increasingly focused:

On the transition from Industry 4.0 to the new Industry 5.0 paradigm (consolidation of the smart factory) based on the centrality of technological innovation and human capital in production processes (Human-Centrality), sustainability and resilience;
On digital manufacturing, primarily with concurrent engineering, virtual commissioning, 3D modeling.


The culture of work in Ar.Ter. rewards creative problem solving and responsiveness to customer needs.
Adaptability and the "we can do it" approach are the cultural foundations of Ar.Ter.


Tradition, excellence, reliability, dedication, integrity, passion, perseverance, responsibility, honesty,
transparency, reputation, generating value while respecting safety, the social context and the environment.


La componente sociale nell’ambito dei criteri ESG trova ampio spazio nel Piano d’azione della Commissione Europea, il Financing Sustainable Growth, il quale definisce fattori sociali le tematiche che riguardano questioni di disuguaglianza, inclusività, rapporti di lavoro, investimenti in capitale umano e nelle comunità.

Ar.Ter. svolge le proprie attività in base a principi civici, solidaristici e di utilità sociale. L’azienda è impegnata attivamente a promuovere il benessere sociale e lo sviluppo delle competenze nel territorio in cui opera.

Attraverso relazioni costanti con gli istituti tecnici locali, offriamo agli studenti l’opportunità di entrare in contatto diretto con il mondo del lavoro attraverso specifiche iniziative, che non solo facilitano l’ingresso dei giovani nel mercato del lavoro, ma contribuiscono anche a costruire una comunità più forte e coesa.

Ar.Ter. è impegnata per:

● l’individuazione e sviluppo di talenti locali: crediamo nel valore delle risorse umane del nostro territorio. Attraverso il dialogo con le scuole tecniche, possiamo scoprire e valorizzare i talenti emergenti.

● l’inclusione e la diversità: promuoviamo un ambiente inclusivo, dove ogni studente ha l’opportunità di farsi conoscere e di mettere in luce le proprie competenze, contribuendo a un mercato del lavoro più equo e diversificato.

● la responsabilità sociale d’impresa: la nostra iniziativa si allinea con i principi ESG, riflettendo il nostro impegno per pratiche aziendali etiche e sostenibili. Investire nel futuro dei giovani è una responsabilità che prendiamo sul serio.

Ar.Ter. continuerà a rafforzare la collaborazione con gli istituti tecnici, affinché gli studenti del territorio possano beneficiare delle nostre iniziative. 

Attraverso questo impegno, non solo contribuiamo al benessere della comunità, ma lavoriamo attivamente per un futuro più sostenibile e inclusivo.

Settore aeronautico